Minggu, 03 November 2013

Synthesis Paper AB


“SYNTHESIS of Reading Response Journal A-B”
I have 2 articles which connect about assessment that gave to the student based on language testing and for the student and the teacher development when they study together. Both of articles have given much information and make me know that when the teacher give assessment or grade to the student is really difficult. The reason is consider ability of the students however the teacher has to fair and justify when give the assessment for their student.
Now, I will talk about First article which entitled “I didn’t get the grade I need. Where’s my solicitor”. The article discuss about Language testing in the United States and the United Kingdom. Both of the country has the different ways in give the technical standard of EFL testing, especially in U.S. The article mentions that specifically concern about testing English as a foreign language. The article told that Many U.K. based examining boards offer tests in EFL/ESL to international students, and some of these are “high stakes” tests in that entry to a college or university course may depend upon the results. Companies and organizations also frequently use external tests, provided by examining boards, as screening instruments for appointments or promotions. The question which gave in this article is: if a candidate for a British examination were to get a grade which was lower than required, which resulted in his/her being denied access to higher education, a job position or promotion, on what grounds could he/she take the examining board to court? As such, this article is particularly concerned with testing English as a foreign language as practiced in the U.K., although testing related legal issues in the U.S. is discussed. There is no attempt to provide a comprehensive description of litigation on either side of the Atlantic. Rather cases have been selected for discussion on the basis of how well they represent the type of concerns which are relevant to language testing. I think the article good and interesting to read even give the detail information inside about language testing in the both of country.
The second article is entitled “Using Habermas to Evaluate Two Approaches to Negotiated Assessment”. The article discuss about  the extent to which two courses, both aimed at staff in higher education, succeed in meeting the ideals of adult education as outlined by writers deriving their outlook from Habermas and his theory of communicative action. In particular, the article examines the rationale for two different processes of negotiated assessment, how they operate in practice and what staff and students think about the processes. An attempt will be made to assess the extent to which, through the practices of negotiated assessment, the Habermassian ideal is approached. The article also criticize about Habermas’s theory tells that learning and teaching have been strongly influenced by phenomenographic and psychological theories. There is expert that argued about theory of Habermas. He is Popper or Foucault which used to examine the assumptions underpinning the two courses under discussion, but he has chosen Habermas because of the strong influence his theories have had on the course team and their practices. Furthermore, it has been argued that “Habermas’s work is of central importance for critical educational theory and practice”. I think the second article is good and give much advantage for me to know about learning and teaching based on phenomenograpchic and psychological theories and teaching use communication action ways.
Both of articles have different focuses and purposes. The first article is focusing on Language testing in the United States and the United Kingdom. Then, the second article is focusing on the extent to which two courses, both aimed at staff in higher education, succeed in meeting the ideals of adult education as outlined by writers deriving their outlook from Habermas and his theory of communicative action. Although have different purposes and focuses, these two articles still have relationship in how to give assessment or grade to the student correctly. First, Language testing is very important; because I think that it can make the people practice their language in order to they can use their language correctly when they talk to each other. Otherwise, the United States and the United Kingdom do examining language testing for EFL/ESL to international student. It is very useful to practice their ability in language testing. Second, the rationale for two different processes of negotiated assessment also important, because in my mind, it can train development of the student through learning and teaching approach. Both of approaches are very good and useful for the participant or student. The students feel comfort when they are approaching with their teacher. I think the students won’t feel embarrassed and nervous if they’re being close to with their teacher. The learning situation also being comfortable and make the student more focus to the lesson. It can increase the student’s competence in learning process.
Talk to first article entitled “I didn’t get the grade I need. Where’s my solicitor”, Although the current move towards the production of “standards” and the publication of a limited number of research projects sponsored by British examination boards, I argued with Alderson and Buck that the answer necessarily lies with bringing EFL testing within government control. Rather, a number of successful legal challenges to test results which cannot be justified would do much to force examination boards to rapidly improve their products and their performance. I think that only when (most) examination boards in the U.K. face the threat of litigation, as is the case in the U.S., it will begin to conduct the appropriate research, follow necessary procedures, and publish all statistics which external observers need to assess the reliability, validity and fairness of their tests. Unfortunately, the first article is too crucial and only some parts discuss about language testing in the U.S and the U.K
Although the second article talk too much about Habermas’s Theory contain evaluate two approaches to negotiated assessment, it also important to read, because it can help the student get much information about how to approach with their teacher in order to can be succeed in teaching learning activity. In Indonesia teacher is not tend to the method like approaches to negotiated assessment. They just teach based on formal situation of the school regulations. Overall, both articles are good and interesting, but I think the second article is more interesting than first article. Both articles are useful to the EFL students and EFL teacher.

1 komentar:

  1. referencing - 1.5/2.5 | arguments - 2/2.5 | synthesis - 3.5/5 | TOTAL - 7/10
