Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

Reading Response Journal B

Akhmad Farroby

Using Habermas to Evaluate Two
Approaches to Negotiated Assessment
          I have chosen the article about negotiated assessment as second reading response journal. I think the article is interesting to me because the content inside that useful for the student and the teacher development when they study together, discuss the lesson, something like that. After I read and see discussion so far about Habermas’s Theory tells that learning and teaching have been strongly influenced by phenomenographic and psychological theories. Specifically, the discussion of the article focus on students’ experience of learning through a categorization of qualitatively different ‘approaches to learning’ and have emphasized the need to encourage ‘deep learning’ by treating students as participators in the learning process. I think that purposed to the student encourage when they gain learning from their tutor or teacher in learning process.
           The article said that the extent to which two courses, both aimed at staff in higher education, succeed in meeting the ideals of adult education as outlined by writers deriving their outlook from Habermas and his theory of communicative action. In particular, the paper will examine the rationale for two different processes of negotiated assessment, how they operate in practice and what staff and students think about the processes. It means that teaching learning activity between the teacher and the student can do communicative action in order to learning process to be better. The other purpose is in order to between the student and the teacher can be closer in learning process and make the student feel comfort with the situation. 
           The article explain that negotiated assessment provide requirement that need to make the student be succeed in their achievement. The teacher or tutor should give their best experience based on subject, department, and good commitment in professional context. There are several philosophers that agree theory of Habermas, because his theory has strong effect that make communication between the student and the teacher be cohesive and it can make action oriented to reaching understanding and action oriented to success.
            I agree with the statement because it is profitable to the student to reach their achievement. I argued that the statement of Habermas about A communicatively achieved agreement has a rational basis; it cannot be imposed by either party, whether instrumentally through intervention in the situation directly or strategically through influencing the decisions of opponents. In my mind, it can negative effect to the student that has low competence. For example, when several students are do teaching learning activity, if there is a student cannot understand about the lesson, perhaps the student afraid to ask to their teacher about the lesson that they aren’t clear. It makes miscommunication to their teacher and the student acquire disadvantage.  In this article, the course said that our working model of the future professional is of a reflective practitioner working increasingly with reflective clients and engaged in dialogue with a critical community of professional peers. Our working hypothesis is that this model is best achieved through critical reflection on and critical analysis of one’s own professional experience and current practice, in order to formulate proposals for improved practice, the outcomes of which serve for further reflection and analysis in a continuing cycle of learning. So, the working system suggests that the tutor gain reflective practitioner in order to them can improve their performance when they teach the student. Besides that, about the working hypothesis ask to the teacher or tutor gain critical reflection that them aware their mistake when they are learning and access the student, they also consider and determine the appropriate grade based on each student ability. Finally, I think the article negotiated assessment has some benefit when the teacher gives the appropriate assessment and see justify in assess every student.

1 komentar:

  1. Specific Response to text -- 5/5 | Textual Support -- 4/5 | Connection between text & own ideas -- 5/5 | Thoughts and Reaction -- 5/5 | TOTAL -- 19/20 | Converted -- 7.13/7.5 | Despite some grammatical problems that did not disturb my reading on your response, I like your way of responding to the specific parts of the text. You did paraphrase several parts of the text but you need APA referencing to those paraphrases. I saw the connection of your own ideas with the text and you provided some clear explanation to your thoughts and reactions to the text. Overall, good job.
