Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

Reading Response Journal A

Akhmad Farroby

            Mostly the article contain about standard in language testing. I choose the topic because inside those articles discuss language testing in The United States and The United Kingdom. Both of the country has the different ways in give the technical standard of EFL testing, especially in U.S. The article mentions that specifically concern about testing English as a foreign language. According to one of an expert (Alderson), declare that “Standard” only particularly in United States not United Kingdom. I agree with the statement of an expert, because I think that in U.K maybe the program is informal and the program just use as guide test developers. While the article report that the situation is in U.S distinguish between Black and White students. In my mind, I argue about the case, because actually the different skin color can cause controversy and it can be negative effect. The program should consider the necessity of each student for Black and White student also make them feel comfort when they are give the standard system in language testing. I think U.S should not to distinguish both of black and white when they practice to learn language testing.
The system should identify the situation in order to the situation better and make the student has share learning goal.  In the Abermarle Paper versus Moody (1975) a test was declared invalid for a particular purpose because it was not designed to the standards laid down by American Educational Research Association (AERA) in the APA Guidelines.  I think if the test invalid The American Educational Research Association (AERA) do the right decision because invalid test give student disadvantage and make the student confused to do the test.
 The largest EFL/ESL testing organization in the United Kingdom, commits itself to certain standards. These are provided fewer than 4 headings: developing examinations, interpreting, examination results, striving for fairness, and informing examination takers. I agree with the strategies because it can make the student aware their mistake and them also developing their ability about language testing. The situation leaves British examination boards open to litigation. Although the history of litigation in the U.K. over the use and interpretation of test scores is not as great as that in the U.S., the precedents which do exist are important. The U.K. legal framework for the use of tests in the U.K. has come about indirectly via anti-discrimination legislation introduced by the European Community via the European Community Council Directive 761207 on Equal Treatment. Indeed, the quality about score that made in the U.K is better than U.S, because the U.K considers the grade and gives to fairly as a proof that the achievement of the student has been fulfill the requirement. I think it is the good article because it provides much information that support developing our knowledge about language testing or assessment from The United States and The United Kingdom.
The information is clear but the language is high level. Sometimes, when I read the article, there are so many statements from the expert. I conclude that the United Kingdom has authority based on give the high score fairly and not distinguish between (Black and White the student) so the country has high justice in consider the skin color. A number of successful legal challenges to test results which cannot be justified would do much to force examination boards to rapidly improve their products and their performance. I mean, the purpose is good, because it can make the student increase their academic performance so they realize the mistake that they make and can correct it after they get the improvement.

1 komentar:

  1. Specific Response to text -- 5/5 | Textual Support -- 4/5 | Connection between text & own ideas -- 4/5 | Thoughts and Reaction -- 4/5 | TOTAL -- 17/20 | Converted -- 6.38/7.5 | Despite some grammatical problems, I like your way of responding to the specific parts of the text. You did paraphrase several parts of the text but you need APA referencing to those paraphrases. I saw the connection of your own ideas with the text although it was not explicit and you provided some clear explanation to your thoughts and reactions to the text.
