Minggu, 17 November 2013

Reading Response Journal D

Akhmad Farroby


I choose the article entitled “Self-Evaluations of the ‘Stream of Thought’ in Journal Writing” as Reading Response Journal D. The article can make me curious to see the content so far. The content is good and clear, but it focuses on self-reflections on the purpose of journal writing. After I see the discussions of James L. Myers, the article mention that journal writing can be an effective method for them to independently discover and develop their individual academic interests and their EAP writing capacities. I agree with the statement, because the method can help the student can be able to increase their ability in writing skills and can reach their target on English Academic Purposes. In this article, James’s Contend describes that the stream of thought as having five characteristics: (1) every thought is a part of an individual’s consciousness; (2) each thought is always changing; (3) each is sensibly continuous; (4) every thought is directed toward objects outside itself; (5) and thought discriminates among those objects, including some while rejecting others. I think it can motivate the student to think critically and create some new idea of each student that think creatively is very important. So, the student capable to train their ability when they make a journal and can appear their own ideas based on their skills. The article also gives the information about Journal Exchange. It is a benefit thing for the students. We are aware that every people unconsciously can make some mistakes when they do something.
The purpose of journal exchange can help the students to improve their mistake on journal writing. It is influence about their value or grade. The student exchanges their work to another student to correct each of the mistakes, for example about the grammatical errors, forget to put to be, coherence, or anything else. So, every student can aware their mistake and it can help them to improve this, in order to them can change their grade to be better. Some experts provide procedures that ask to the student to do assignment of writing journals for 3 months, three times per week. Although not every student in the class managed to faithfully write three entries per week, the 15 random selections in this study fell into a range of 30– 34 entries over the 3-month period. They told that the class that their grade would be based on quantity, coherence, and interesting content rather than on grammar.
I think I argued about the suggestion, because I see the command ask to just examine the student’s ability about quantity, coherence, and content not examine about the grammatical. I think the grammar is very important, because if make a sentence without the correct grammar, it can’t be an effective sentence. As I know that ‘stream of thought’ contains many advantages to help the students to think creatively, critically, and discover their strength and weaknesses as a writer. I hope the article is very useful for me, because it also help me to be careful when I write a journal and pay attention the mistake. It is also useful to self- monitoring of my skills writing.  

Huang, J.Y., 2000. Effective journal writing: a pilot study. In: Huang, T., Katchen, J., Dai, W., Leung, Y.
(Eds.), Selected Papers from the Ninth International Symposium on English Teaching. Crane Publishing,
Taipei, pp. 348–358.
James, W., 1950. The Principles of Psychology, Vol. 1. Dover, New York. (First published in 1890).

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