Senin, 30 September 2013

Summary of the text

The news tells about lack of qualified teacher in Irian Jaya. The local teacher training institute has failed to produce qualified teachers. It's not because the teachers, but the students' difficulties to be taught. They don't feel comfort that the condition isn't good to them to teach the students. The reason is that the students of the island have weaknesses in reading skill. Reading is very important because if we can't read, the people will fool us. It can be disadvantage for the island.
The regency established the institute in 1999 after migrant teachers fled the regency in the early 1990s when they were threatened by secessionist activists and rebels.  The institute, which offers a two-year course on elementary school teaching, was set up in cooperation with the Jayapura-based Cendrawasih University as part of a crash program that is expected to produce 200 elementary school teachers in two batches. So, there is an institute that co-operate with Cendrawasih University to input 200 elementary school teachers become two places. the purpose is in order to make some places to some teachers that will teach there. It can make a good progressive to Irian Jaya.
Puncak Jaya regent Elieser Renmaur told Antara news agency that the institute was established to compensate for more than 100 teachers who fled the mountainous regency. The author will add 100 teachers of the institute in many region in Irian Jaya. Perhaps, it can be advantage for Irian Jaya, because the teachers that come from many region have good qualified. 

1 komentar:

  1. In my opinion, your summary about the lack of qualified teacher in Irian Jaya is good. I like your article, so i really interesting about the way you respond to the article through your summary. The vocabularies that you used in your summary is appropriate and understandable. Your grammar is also good. Nice article about Jayapura. Good job :))
